Inbound Marketing Support

Are your marketing programs struggling to routinely produce qualified leads that your sales reps can use?

ProphetLogic strengthens inbound and event marketing efforts by getting more qualified leads to sales teams.

Marketing programs capture
thousands of leads —but what
happens then?

How do you make sure you maximize
your return from your campaigns?


Marketing programs capture leads from webinars, trade shows, content syndication, social media, and more.

But who consistently follows up with those leads to identify who is ready to purchase your product or service?

Sales reps often don’t have the bandwidth or feel the leads aren’t qualified, creating discontent and resentment.

ProphetLogic strengthens the ROI of your B2B
company’s inbound lead program.

Why we’re different:

We consistently follow up with leads generated through marketing programs, often reaching out 5+ times.

We make the calls sales reps often don’t have time to do, finding interested buyers out of thousands of names.

We qualify who is ready to be passed along to sales reps to influence more closed deals.

Our approach unites sales and marketing teams, eliminating finger-pointing.

Experience more fruitful
marketing programs
that result in more closed deals.



More successful marketing programs that result in MQLs, appointments, and sales.

More return on investment from webinars, trade shows, content syndication programs, and more.

Less stress about whether all the names captured through marketing programs will result in any sales.

Less friction between sales and marketing teams about lead quality and quantity, allowing everyone to win.

See how ProphetLogic’s Inbound Marketing Support has helped clients win.

View Client Success Stories

SDR as a Service

ProphetLogic acts as an extension of your sales org  with named team members as your SDR team.

Pay Per Meeting

ProphetLogic helps you get in front of your target accounts on a pay for performance basis.

Inbound Marketing Support

Enjoy more effective marketing programs that deliver MQLs to the sales team—making everyone happy.

Let’s build a sales pipeline that works for you.

Give us six months.

We’ll get you talking to the right people.